Los Beatles se despiden de Hong Kong

Tras dos actuaciones en el Princess Theater de Hong Kong con Jimmie Nicol en baterí­a, Los Beatles viajan hacia Australia.

En el vuelo se les unió el disc jockey australiano Bob Rogers, quien los acompañó a lo largo de esta etapa de la gira. Mientras esperaban su vuelo en el aeropuerto Kai Tak de Hong Kong, Rogers aprovechó la oportunidad para entrevistar a Los Beatles. Comenzó la grabación presentándoles la melodí­a de Waltzing Matilda.

Bob Rogers (cantando): Here are the Beatles…

John y George (cantando): Waltzing Matilda. Waltzing Matilda. You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me…

Bob Rogers: Don’t ask me what a jumbuck is. I don’t know.

George Harrison: Oh well. We know what a Frank Ifield is, though, don’t we?

Bob Rogers: Aye! And a Rolf Harris.

John Lennon: Cobber.

George (sings): Tie me kangaroo down sport…

John: Cobber.

Bob Rogers: Well, in 24 hours overnight you’ve come from summer to winter. How do you think that’s going to affect your health?

John: I don’t think it’ll affect it at all.

George: We’re always just naturally unhealthy, so it doesn’t matter.

Bob Rogers: And you’re gonna wear these Hong Kong suits that you’ve had made.

John: George and I haven’t had any made.

Bob Rogers: Haven’t you?

John: No.

George: No, ‘cause we’re saving up.

Bob Rogers: We read about it in the papers.

John: Ah well, you never believe what they write in the papers. Paul’s had one. That’s all. He’s had two.

George: Yeah. Our road managers have had one or two.

Bob Rogers: Now what are you gonna do while you’re in Australia? Are you going to be able to get out, or are you going to have to be locked in your rooms all the time?

George: We don’t really know till we get to wherever we’re going.

John: We don’t expect to get out, anyway. If we do it’s, er, lucky, you know.

George: If we do it’s a lucky.

John: It’s a lucky. That say me.

Bob Rogers: You can’t go on living in a prison like this all your lives?

John: Well, it won’t last all our lives, will it.

Bob Rogers: How long do you think it’ll last?

John: Well, don’t ask me that. But we know it won’t last all our lives. That’s enough.

Bob Rogers: Now Paul, you bought a Chinese suit.

Paul McCartney: Yes that’s true. Two, I got.

Bob Rogers: How much did you pay for them?

Paul: It wasn’t very dear. About 10 quid, I think.

Bob Rogers: I thought, being the Beatles, they’d charge you twice as much. Did you have a chance to barter with the man?

Paul: Yeah. Oh it was great, actually. ‘cause somebody said you’ve got to haggle and get the prices down, so I did. It was quite good. Some little fellow was selling some ornaments and he wanted 160 dollars for them. No. He was selling a watch. That’s it, wanted 160 Hong Kong dollars for it. So I kept saying to him ‘No, it’s not right! Not right! Hundred dollars, that’s right!’ Anyway, I got him down to a hundred dollars. It was probably worth about 30 dollars, mind you.

Bob Rogers: Do you want to buy anything in Australia?

Paul: Yes, definitely.

Bob Rogers: Like what?

Paul: Er, anything in particular… I dunno. I think everyone who goes to Australia buys a boomerang, don’t they? I think I’ll skip that one. It’s a bit… I don’t fancy it. There’s not much chance to use it in London, really.

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